Category: Pen People

Fountain Pen FAQs – points to ponder.

Well, let me begin this one with a confession – I am not an expert. I do not have any academic qualification to make such claims, nor do I have the inclination of being a self-styled one, someone who acts like a know-it-all, foot firmly in the mouth. Collecting fountain


Dilip Basak – love him or hate him, you cannot ignore him.

Dilip Basak. Some love him, recalling with happiness how he has brought pens – often that belonged to ancestors – back to life. While on the other end of the spectrum are the ones who hate him and their argument is also compelling, to say the least. “The man is


Mizanur Rahman – bringing love from Opar Bangla!

Mizanur Rahman bhai is a well-known name in the fountain pen and ink user groups in Bangladesh. He runs a very successful shop in Dhaka and can easily be considered among the handful of opinion-makers in the country. As a fountain pen and ink importer, his knowledge about the quality,


Pratap Kumar – his pens and his tales of pens

Indian Fountain pens are my dope. The never cease to give me a high. Especially if they are of a certain vintage, hand turned, eye-dropper fillers, made of ebonite and sport pure, “desi” nibs. The ones that give me mind-altering experiences are naturally the type that immediately transport me to


Arun Singhi, Lotus pens and the story of a reigning legend!

Arun Singhi of Lotus Pens is an institution. Literally a giant, among the mortal penmakers of India and I say this without in anyway belittling the others, and confident, that they will wholeheartedly (okay, reluctantly, if you may), vouch for what I say. And there are reasons that compel me