The Click Renaissance is turning out to be one hell of a range. The stormed into the market with eye-candies and even before the excitement could subside, have started adding different line extensions that are taking it to a whole new level. The basic philosophy that is driving the Click push forward is one where they continuously try to reinvent themselves by moving up the quality ladder, among other things, by enriching their offerings. Instead of flogging the same horse, Click is actually creating newer niche segments for itself where it is not only moving in with considerable elan, but is also quietly digging in, ready to defend its positions from threats both from within and outside the country. A very positive and welcome strategy, if you ask me.
This Click Renaissance Demonstrator is no exception. It has a screw in Jowo nib unit, which offers a number of options to the aficionado – for one, Jowo is a globally revered name when it comes to the quality of nibs and by adding it, Click has automatically moved this pen up the desirability ladder by many notches. Being a screw in type, the nib units can be changed in a jiffy, which not only improves the ability to clean up this pen but also provides options of trying out multiple nib types, which in itself, is, a very welcome distraction for any fountain pen obsessed hobbyist. Besides, Jowo nib units are also available widely, the ease with which they can be accessed and at the reasonable price points in which they can be had, making them even dearer to the fanatics. The fact that Click pens are all handcrafted and are created following strict quality norms that the entity has perfected having acted as an OEM to overseas brands for many years now, are also advantages that are built into every Click offering, just like the fact that being a family owned business where Harsh Gagwani is the third generation in the helm of affairs, Click is extremely serious about its business having staked the family reputation on it. I will not test the patience of those going through this piece by waxing eloquent about the writing quality of Jowo nibs, reams of paper have already been used, and I think it would just suffice to say that these nibs are no nonsense, apart from being extremely well made, universally accepted and robust to a fault.
But what really strikes me about this Click Renaissance demonstrator is its finish. This is an acrylic pen and the kind of polish that Click has successfully achieved on the surface is breath-taking. I do not think that I can be faulted if I say that I am mesmerized by the quality of the polish that has been achieved on this surface. When I say this, we must remember that Click is a bulk producer and the fact that quality of such high level is being consistently achieved, points to its prowess as a producer, for while a one off piece of such a high standard is feasible, it is living up to it that becomes difficult. Why, I will even stick my neck out to say that I have not seen such quality of finish in mass-produced, acrylic pens earlier.
Add to this the fact that Click Renaissance Demonstrator is aesthetically, a beautiful pen. Its bold straight lines are almost like a salute to the Bauhaus designing philosophy. The two thin rings around the cap end balance perfectly with the clip ring and the solid taper as the barrel ends into the finial, is, at least to me, reason enough to acquire this pen. In terms of size, girth, balance and weight, it is just perfect for most hands and the very fact that the visual appeal matches the performance of this pen is what makes it a winner. As for sheer writing pleasure, this is a pen that can make the competition run for its money, or fame, or whatever.
The Click Renaissance Demonstrator was unveiled in late last year and in the intervening period, if the market grapevine is to be believed, they have curved out a space in the hearts of pen lovers, not only here in India but also abroad (Click pens are readily available in the United States where they are reasonably well appreciated). The most heartening piece of news, however, is that Click in general and the Click Renaissance Demonstrator in particular, is posing a serious challenge to fountain pens that are imported in bulk from China. This particular pen, and it is not xenophobia that is driving me to say this, is not only capable to taking on anything that is thrown towards us across the great wall, but can also go on the offensive. As a matter of fact, this saffron demonstrator will be in my hand as I humbly pay tribute to the Republic on this 26th of January.
Oh and one more thing, clear demonstrators, especially ones with pastel tints are the flavor of the times, globally. With this pen in hand you van ride the way. Happy Surfing!
Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_JxvX2fyDs