Inked Happiness turns four today. Like all birthdays, ours is a special one too, for it is on this day that we give away the Inked Happiness Lifetime Achievement Award for outstanding contribution to the world of writing, writing instruments and the writers who wield them. The 1st Award had gone to Yusuf Mansoor – collector, restorer and historian of fountain pens, in a glittering ceremony attended by the who’s who of the community in Kolkata.
For the second year, we were constrained, as the Corona induced Lockdown was in place and we were in no position to organise a physical function. However, the recipient of the 2nd Inked Happiness Lifetime Achievement Award – collector, Nibmeister and the glue that holds the fountain pen fraternity together, Sudhir Kalyanikar – by his gracious acceptance, had allowed us to overcome all the obstacles and move forward.
This year too, we are in dire straits. The virus is mutating faster than the big five would come out with new models in their heydays and things are as damp as squids. But life must go on and we, fountain pen lovers, have this thing about holding on, however unsurmountable the odds may seem to be stacked against us.
As a matter of fact, things are not really bad for the fountain pen. The forced isolations, coupled with an overdose of digital overwhelm has got us many new converts, especially those who have defected from the ranks of the wired generation, and hand-writing is back in vogue, as it were, at least among a few. Fountain pen, ink and accessory sales are up, though the action has mostly shifted from the brick-and-mortar stores to the ecommerce sites. Naturally, the 3rd Inked Happiness Lifetime Achievement Award demanded a recipient who would not only be emblematic of this gravity defying resurgence of the fountain pen, but would also simultaneously celebrate the mainstreaming of the written word.
And who is better suited to be crowned, than the Maestro – Prof K C Janardhan, who has done more for handwriting, lettering and calligraphy than perhaps, all of us put together? He has been a professional calligrapher for more than three decades now, having gone professional long before calligraphy as a passion was even in vogue. He has had innumerable corporate clients, to whom he has opened the world of exquisitely written documents, that too while the computers were stretching the horizons of page-making possibilities. He has trained batches of students, converting many to become lifelong practitioners. He has taught calligraphy on an airplane, on a bus and on a train, not to mention the conventional classrooms, where his lessons on the Seven Elements of Handwriting continue to be highly sought-after. He has been the brand ambassador, teaching power handwriting for an iconic fountain pen brand. He has taken his abilities and showcased them in different parts of the globe, winning accolades for the Nation. And while doing all this, he has established, single-handed, the only one of its kind Museum for writing and writing instruments in the world!
I will fail in my duties if I do not mention the messages that have poured in from different parts of the globe, starting with a communication from the Rt. Hon. Virendra Sharma, MP, from the United Kingdom. The message from the Hon. Bibek Debroy, Fountain Pen lover, Academician per excellence and Economic Advisor to the Prime Minister of India, is not only touching in content, but also exudes the kind of blessings that keeps all of us going. I will not go to individually thank all those who took time off their busy schedules to join us in our moment of joy – please accept our sincerest gratitude. We are what we are, because of your blessings and hope that we will be able to continue our search for excellence to whet your appetite, even as we constantly raise the bar that we set for ourselves.
A special word of thanks to Ikram Ahmed Khan who provided us with the bandwidth to conduct the Zoom meeting at a time when we were literally on the deep end of the net, completely clueless. No words however will be enough to thank Anil Thamman, who came on board with his vast experience as a Toast Master to not only conduct the event with professional élan, but when he saw that we were just not capable to living up to his exacting standards, steered our rudderless ship to safety. A look at the attached link of the programme will explain what I mean (and the level of my gratitude) apart from, I hope, being Inked Happiness’ first faltering step towards the world of video presentations.
For more information see the YouTube video:
The Honour was long due
Sovan Roy
Thank you Dr Sovan Roy
Great achievement. His knowledge of hand writing should reach next generation. Government should join hand’s with these people.
Dear Prasad,
Thank you for your thought. I hope the Government of India as well as the other state Governments are listening!
Prof. K. C. Janardhan is unique & richly deserves the honour. I congratulate him for his meticulous work & collection of pens when ink pen has been replaced by ballpoint pen.
Dear Mr.Prabhakaran,
Encouraging words from a senior and the first president of Association of British Scholars, Karnataka is very welcome
Congratulations K.C Janardan Sir
Dear Harsh,
Thank you for all the good words through your video and look forward to more interesting pens from you to enthrall the Indian diaspora across the globe.
A well-deserved award for Professor Janardhan! A big thank you to him as well as Chawm Ganguly and Inked Happiness! Yesterday’s ceremony was wonderful!
Dear Howard,
Thank you for the wonderful message you sent across for the ocassion. It was well appreciated by my friends.
“Hearty Congratulations”
Professor Janardhan is a gem who has maintained his spirits although he was faced with many challenges in Life.
I am very proud of his achievements and wish him many more laurels in the future.
Dear Dr. Azhar,
Thank you for highligting the challenges.
“Hearty Congratulations”
I have known him for the past 7 years now and have noticed his passion towards work & Life, My wish to Professor Janardhan for many more Laurels in the future!
Dear Azhar,
We are known to each other through diplomatic enclave for the 7 years. Looking forward to help the Maldivians on Handwriting, like I have been doing with the Nepalese.
Many many congratulations to Chawm Sir and KC Janardhan Sir for the recognition of fountain Pens to the community.
Dear Bushan Jyothi,
You have been consistently spreading Chawm’s articles across the social media. Your efforts are highly appreciable.
Congratulations K.C.Janardhan. Well deserved recognition for your skills and determination!
Thank you Subbu for your kindness nd words
Congratulations Sir!! Blessed to be your student and feel proud too to have witness to your journey for a few years. You are an Inspiration of Achiever of Dreams with full determination, fighting all the odds and not giving up!!!
Let Your Pen Keep Dancing Forever
Komal Mohan
Dear Komal,
The dance of the pen will continue as long as nature allows me do so. I would like to see more of my students like you emulating me!
I was fortunate enough to get to know Mr. Janardhan when I stumbled upon him during my quest of #ImpactfulEducationInSociety. In 2018, I collaborated with Mr. #KCJanardhan Mr #ChawmGanguly , Mr #AnilThaman in a project named #HandwritingForChangeInSociety . This event was the stepping stone towards the launch of one of the aspiring projects #TransformingNepalThroughHandWriting.
I congratulate Mr. Janardhan for receiving Inked Happiness Lifetime Achievement Award for his continuing contribution to the field of Handwriting, Lettering & Calligraphy and for encouraging the use of Fountain pens and Inks even in a digitized world.
Dear Atul,
Thank you for enumerating what ever we have done together. We shall continue to enjoy further.
I think Inked Happiness has well and truly honored itself by bestowing this Lifetime Achievement Award to Prof Janardhan. Congratulations Sir! And yes, Inked Happiness is really doing a great job otherwise as well – I for one salute you for your perseverance and the doggedness with which you have gone about changing the way we perceive the fountain pen and ink. Your contribution to the art of writing about pens will also be acknowledged gratefully.
thank you. we are humbled 🙂
Thank you Subbu for your words of appreciation