Kaweco Classic Sport – pens a greeting to the aficionados

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Kaweco Classic Sport, Maanjitender Sethi, picks up his favourite to write to the fraternity of fountain pen lovers!


I am Kaweco Classic Sport Fountain Pen. My complexion is deep dark red, therefore I have been christened as ‘Bordeaux’ because my complexion reminds one of the finest wines of this region of France.

I was first conceived and created in 1935 and reincarnated in my present avatar in 1994 as a true pocket pen. I would request you not to be fooled by my looks and size. I may appear to be toy-ish but I am a fully functional power packed performer. My performance is easily comparable with the best in my fraternity.

Kaweco Classic Sport
My portrait

I was conceived and created with a concept of pocket-ability, ease of writing and distinctly attractive looks. I have many siblings in many attractive colours and also in different materials such as opaque and translucent ABS plastics, Aluminium, Brass and Steel. My sturdiness and durability come from my German descent.

People in far-off countries such as China have tried to create my clones but are nowhere near my class. However I take it as a tribute to my success and popularity.

I am an essential part of any family of Fountain Pen collectors, users and aficionados across many continents. No such family can be complete without me. Some learned person very wisely said  “ Potatoes and Kawecos can be easily found in every country on this Planet”.

Kaweco Classic Sport
Me along with my large size distant cousin from India.

I would like to take this opportunity to apprise some of you of my qualities and capabilities who are still not aware of them. I may look very tiny and slender when capped, but when uncapped and posted I am as tall as any other fountain pen and that precisely is the beauty and my strength. This aspect of mine also ensure that my lovers rarely end up losing my cap. My cap is cleverly shaped by my creator in an octagonal shape to give distinct looks and also to prevent accidental rolling off whether capped or posted. I have also acquired a slip on clip, which helps in enhancing my looks and functionality. With this clip I can be proudly worn on a shirt pocket like any other piece of jewellery. The golden coloured clip and a similar coloured finial really complement my looks.

The most important aspect of my persona is my well-crafted nib unit which again is of a German descent. The nib unit really helps me in defining my character as a smooth operator. It really helps me in delivering my juices (inks) smoothly and effortlessly on any paper, for the pleasure and delight of my lovers and admirers.  My creators have also created many of my siblings in various nib shapes and also in different materials as mentioned earlier, this not only enhances the experience of my admirers but also ensures that no admirers stops at having only one.

I can accept almost all types of standard international cartridges, I lovingly call them my juice sacs.

I think I am entitled to take pride for being able to bring a smile to my admirers.

I cannot help but share a few thoughts about my aspirations. In simpler words what I would like to be when I grow up, because growth is integral with the evolution process.

In my case growth could be in terms of size or newer materials. Growth in size could be in terms length or girth. If I grow in length I run a risk of losing my unique characteristic which is pocket-ability. In my opinion I could safely gain some mass by increasing my girth to the delight of lovers especially those who either have large hands or prefer to use chunkier pens. Also in the process I could do well by growing the nib size to the next level to further enhance users delight. In this process even if I have to grow in length by about a centimetre it would do me no harm.

In the end I would like to thank my admirers for their continued love and affection and also hope to continue getting the same for many more decades to come.

(This moving tale has been written by Maanjitender Sethi who needs no introduction to either the readers of the blog or the lovers of fountain pens at large. Am enclosing images of the handwritten original, which only goes to refurbish the underlying love for the fountain pen!

For the newcomers,  Maanjitender Sethi is 56 years old, a mechanical engineer by qualification and a businessman by profession. In his own words, “during my childhood my father used to make me practice calligraphy on a wooden takhti with a reed pen. The takhti’s had to be washed and coated with multani mitti every day during our summer vacations. A few years later we graduated to a holder with a G nib. I had never used a ball point pen till my matriculation. The passion for writing with fountain pens was reignited after reading an article on Ratnam Pens in 2018. For the last two years I have only been using Fountain Pens”.

What can i say? May his tribe increase! – Editor)

Kaweco Classic Sport Kaweco Classic Sport

For more information visit: https://www.kaweco-pen.com/


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