Lotus participates in the Singapore Pen Show, sells out in record time.
Arun Singhi of Lotus Pens has every reason to be proud. The pen turner from Mumbai, often called the “most gifted among all those who make hand made fountain pens in India”, had a déjà vu moment in Singapore earlier this month when everything on his table at the Singapore Pen Show was sold out, even before the show came to an end. No mean feat, considering the facts that it was Lotus’ maiden participation in an overseas pen show and Arun Singhi was sceptical about attending the show in the first place. Besides, just before he left for the show, the Lotus facilities were inundated by flood waters causing massive damage to both machinery and finished products.

“It was Yusuf Mansoor who insisted that I attend – not so much for the business that he was sure we would generate, but more because he felt that we must represent India, show the world that we too make fountain pens in India that are capable of being placed next to the very best that the world has to offer. It is a matter of pride as an Indian that we have been able to win that accolade from the connoisseurs at the show, who lapped up the Lotus pens with the kind of alacrity that I had frankly not expected.”

The Singapore Pen Show was organised by Jeffery Lim and the SFPL at the Marina Mandarin on the 13th of July, 2019. In all, 23 tables were displayed at the show, in which names like Fook Hing and Aesthetic Bay were backed by a thriving community of local fountain pen lovers, the show also witnessed a footfall of over 2000 in its course.

As a matter of fact, so overwhelming was the response that Lotus has been swamped with requests to appoint a representative of the brand to make Arun Singhi’s handcrafted creations available to the fountain pen lovers in and around Singapore. Lotus is said to be actively considering the proposal from the connoisseurs, though Arun Singhi is tight lipped about specific plans. “We have a number of plans in the pipeline, though it is a bit premature to talk about them immediately. I will certainly keep you in the loop as we move forward from here” he said.

“The Singapore Show has been an eyeopener for me” gushes the master craftsman. “For one, it vindicated my belief in myself. We are at the right place and the way my passion for the fountain pen and my hard work to highlight Indian craftsmanship was appreciated in Singapore was a huge morale booster for me. It only confirmed my belief that as pen turners we are in no way inferior to the best in the world apart from strengthening my resolve to do even better in the future”.

“There is another valuable realisation that has dawned on me – Indian pens are aesthetically different from Japanese or European pens because of our cultural and artistic orientations. As a pen turner and as an Indian, it will be my wholehearted effort to work on and highlight this elusive Indianness in my work. Instead of blindly following the design elements of the pens that come to India from across the shores, it will be my sincere effort to seek and represent the Indian Soul in my pens so that they too can cross the seas and help unfurl the tricolour in distant shores, in discerning hearts.”
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For More information visit: https://www.lotuspens.com/
Arun Singhji Is the proud of all Indian fountain pen lovers.