Tag: American

Maestro and his High Watermarks await to be surpassed. 

Maestro’s Indelible Ink Marks!  Calling a Sitar virtuoso, a “maestro” we can understand. A cricketer, perhaps more so. But a professional calligrapher? Can someone, who has spent most of his adult life single-mindedly pursuing the art of writing with his hand and in the process has undoubtedly become one of


The Practice of Penning, the Art of Journaling: Souradeep Roy

“A word after a word after a word after a word is power” – Margaret Atwood Having been fascinated with fountain pens since childhood, there always was a longing for me to use fountain pens. At an office event, a wine tasting, I saw one of the judges from Germany,


Nook – the Esterbrook home for the beloved

A nook is a corner, a recess, especially one that offers seclusion or security. A nook is the favourite corner where one retires, perhaps to nurse a drink, to read a book, to be one with one’s thoughts, to contemplate, meditate even – most often than not, with an Esterbrook