Tag: Indian

The Kumbh Mela Within

The Kumbh Mela – a congregation like none other. Millions arrive, drawn by an invisible force, seeking purification in the flowing waters at Prayagraj where the Ganga, Yamuna, and the mythical Saraswati meet. The rivers flow ceaselessly, carrying prayers, hopes, and stories – dissolving the burdens of the past, offering


Radhika Nath Saha – unsung hero of the Indian fountain pen by Dr Sovan Roy

Radhika Nath Saha – unsung hero of the Indian fountain pen by Dr Sovan Roy first hit the stands in 2019 and immediately had created a blast the kind of which are seldom seen. For one, such an in-depth academic exercise had not been witnessed, especially in the field of


Pratap Kumar – his pens and his tales of pens

Indian Fountain pens are my dope. The never cease to give me a high. Especially if they are of a certain vintage, hand turned, eye-dropper fillers, made of ebonite and sport pure, “desi” nibs. The ones that give me mind-altering experiences are naturally the type that immediately transport me to


The Practice of Penning, the Art of Journaling: Souradeep Roy

“A word after a word after a word after a word is power” – Margaret Atwood Having been fascinated with fountain pens since childhood, there always was a longing for me to use fountain pens. At an office event, a wine tasting, I saw one of the judges from Germany,