Tag: Mumbai

Chennai Pen Show 2025 – a standing ovation!

The final of the ICC Champions Trophy was on 9th March 2025. And India was playing. Naturally, organisers and participants alike were a bit skeptical, fearing that cricket will keep the crowds glued to their sets at home, affecting footfall at the Chennai Pen Show. Not unjustified, considering that cricket


TIPS III concludes with a boom

Dr. Bibek Debroy, the economic advisor to the Prime Minister, inaugurated the 3rd chapter of The India Pen Show (TIPS III) in Mumbai as he chaired the Inaugural Session. Present on the dais were Kabir Bedi and Dipti Naval among a host of achievers from fields as diverse as pediatric


Pratap Kumar – his pens and his tales of pens

Indian Fountain pens are my dope. The never cease to give me a high. Especially if they are of a certain vintage, hand turned, eye-dropper fillers, made of ebonite and sport pure, “desi” nibs. The ones that give me mind-altering experiences are naturally the type that immediately transport me to


Brahmam, the ultimate reality

Brahmam fountain pens, to most collectors of India made vintage or antique pens, is but a mystery, wrapped in a riddle, inside an enigma, so difficult it is to come across good, working pieces. Naturally, their scarcity leads to the creation of newer fables around them as the scamper to


Pen Mahotsav – the Kolkata Pen Show is here

Pen Mahotsav – the first fountain pen show in the east is all set to set the high watermark, create the occasion penophiles were waiting for. Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Pune – after every pen show, we fountain pen lovers from the east vowed to hold the “mother of all pen shows”


Click Pens Timeline – a remarkable story scripted by three generations that is unfolding over the last four decades … 

Click Pens – a million smiles and counting.   I was contacted by a certain Management School that wanted to take up the story of Click Fountain Pens as a Case Study for their graduate class. The expert (no, he does not want to be named) who contacted me is