Tag: paper

John Culmer – three decades of restoring masterpieces!

John Culmer has been repairing and restoring fountain pens for over thirty years, having acquired the skill from his father Charlie. John’s skill is such that his services are recommended by Parker and Waterman. Today, although the Peel Pen Shop (London) retail store location has now closed, John still repairs


Dineshchandra Sircar and Isidore of Seville – Bibek Debroy

As is only to be expected, ink is older than pens, not to speak of fountain pens.  Across old civilizations, India, Egypt, China, Rome, ink was used, based on lamp-black and pigments with plant, animal and mineral origins.  The history of those experiments and innovations is often forgotten. Something like


Of Pens and Other Collections -Indranil Banerjie

How the pen box has brought together my two passions in life – writing and woodworking. A few months ago, I rediscovered an old fountain pen, a long-forgotten companion from my college days. It was a cheap Parker with a plastic body, hidden in the midst of a drawer full


The Practice of Penning, the Art of Journaling: Souradeep Roy

“A word after a word after a word after a word is power” – Margaret Atwood Having been fascinated with fountain pens since childhood, there always was a longing for me to use fountain pens. At an office event, a wine tasting, I saw one of the judges from Germany,