Top 5 Contemporary Indian Fountain Pens – Subramaniam , ASA Pens

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Top 5 Contemporary Indian Fountain Pens – the search begins!

The average pen lover who wants to possess an Indian pen is at a huge disadvantage. He / she does not know what to aim for, where to look for, or even how much to shell out for the unit. As there is no authentic source for the aficionado to home in on the masterpiece, we thought of asking the masters themselves.  

This is just an effort to help spread awareness about the excellent pens that we make – right here in India. The idea is, not only to introduce some of the biggest names in the industry, but also to hear from them about what they consider to be the front runners of Indian creativity. The Top 5, no less.

As some of these pens, if not all, are of global quality – being capable of winning accolades in any forum, anywhere in the world – it would do them a world of good, if they are identified by the industry’s stalwarts. Apart from being an obvious testimonial for the pen lovers to follow, I personally feel that this exercise will also go a long way in encouraging the men who have dedicated their lives and made it their mission to put India on the global map of penmanship.

I hope this effort will end in the average pen lover, like me,  accessing information about the top pens in one place and that he / she will hopefully, find it convenient to access the pens of their choice. 

Here, in the second instalment of the series, we have Subramaniam of ASA Pens telling us about his choice. Excerpts:

the elusive Ratnams

The question is simple:


What according to you, are the top 5 fountain pens currently being manufactured in India?

(For our comparison, we would like to restrict our choice to contemporary / modern Indian Fountain pens – especially those that come fitted with third party (even imported) nib units and filling systems (cartridge converters).

Eyedropper pens can also be included in the list. Pens that are of historic standing and are still in production can also be considered. Respondents are encouraged to include the pens turned by themselves or the brands that they represent, provided they feel that the pens deserve to be in the list.)

Here is the list of the Top 5 according to Subramaniam :

Subramaniam L of ASA pens

You are asking me to name top 5 fountain pens being made in India… I will purposely avoid mentioning ASA Pens, as it will cloud my views. For a mother, her children are best 🙂

Also, I will avoid makers like Ratnam, Guider and Deccan who are not easily available to all.

Here goes my Happy list:

1) Gama pens are there since 1920’s. A 3rd generation company boasts of a glorious past and an equally interesting current line up. One pen model, which has out lived even time, is Gama Supreme. A jumbo ebonite pen, classic cigar, traditional eyedropper. Is an unique creation of Gama. Even today when I look at it and use it, I am enthralled.

2) From the Ranga staple, the pen I would pick is the Ranga Bamboo. A model which resembles a bamboo shoot. Well balanced and offered in many nib options. It’s an unique product in their line up.

Creation of Dr Sreekumar. There is a queue for pens created by him, even as we write this!

3) In recent times Krishna Pens, by Dr. Sreekumar has been rolling out quiet a few unique models. He has been experimenting a lot with some awesome pen finishes and one such pen is the model called K 64 or  Bai Chii Sai, a lacquered Ebonite pen. Beautifully done with gold and shiny black lacquer. Also his pen is matched with some best tuned nibs we know today.

4) Must mention Lotus Sikhar. A classic design, made with Imported Japanese Ebonite. I was one of the first few to buy this model. After I saw one with a customer.

5) I am a fan of all productions from Manoj of Fosfor. His creations, which include pens made from scratch. Yes, he makes his own materials too. His pens are unique and boutique in a true sense.

6) I am adding one more. Syahi pens by Sanay Shah, his creations in Wood are mind blowing. A new entrant, has used his MBA to create an USP and also to focus on branding, packaging etc. His pens are a wholesome package.


11 Replies to “Top 5 Contemporary Indian Fountain Pens – Subramaniam , ASA Pens”

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  2. Hi Suvo, I’m a fountain pen enthusiast (writer) and looking to increase my hobby time writing poems, work related, etc. albeit exclusively with fountain pens. I have in my collection a few MB meisterstucks, Pelikans, Montegrappas, Platinum, etc. but would like to be a proponent of Indian fountain pens in a business angle. Let me know your views, cheers

    1. anything you want, anytime. the pleasure will be all mine. as a matter of fact, i can also put you on to like minded people here in india who too will be only to happy and willing to assist you in your endeavour. do let me know what you have in mind so that we may take this forward.
      and thank you for writing in. i am sure this is the beginning of a long and enjoyable friendship 🙂
      Suvobrata / Suvo / Chawm

  3. Loved this piece and I have picked up a few of the pens you mentioned! Am looking for ASA Pens now. Thanks and so amazing to know about these Indian Fountain Pens.

  4. Any site, contact, to buy these pens as major site doesn’t carry it. Also I want to buy Indian made pen only. Please help me.

    1. where are you located? what kind of Indian pens do you want to buy? if you are more specific, perhaps we can help with the contact ids of the reputed sellers?

      1. I am looking for stub nibbed pens in the 1.1mm range (would love to have a custom 1.2mm though). Can you please suggest any good Indian pen makers who can provide me the same?


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